I’m Shulamis
My Story
I am the founder of the Real Life Organizing Company. As a busy mom of 7 I’m
passionate about helping other busy people get organized. When I was a young mom with 2
little babies, I remember asking a mentor of mine: “How can I possibly keep my house in order?
I’m constantly chasing after 2 little ones?”
Her response “Welcome to motherhood! For the next 25 years your house will be chaotic!”
Something inside of me said “No way! I refuse to accept that!”
On one hand, I didn’t want to become a mean mother where my children will be afraid to live
and play. On the other hand, I don’t feel relaxed in a messy home!!
To me , a home should be comfortable to ALL its inhabitants, young and old! That would mean
that I need to create a child friendly home but also a place that is pleasant for the adults!
Back in the day, I never even heard of using professional organizer! But through trial and error,
I started to realize that creating organizational systems in my home using bins and labels kept it
from becoming the chaos that I so wanted to avoid!
Eventually people started noticing and telling me that I should do this professionally and one
day I took the leap and started my own company.
Now I get to share what I’ve learned with others!